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Class Recommendation


  • 团课指的是多人同时参加的课程。常规的大班课程最多15人,精品课程最多10人。超小班精品课程的公开课属于小班提升课,但公开课期间也可以使用团课配套预订,最多4人。

  • 适合人群:身体状态良好,体态问题可控,肢体运动功能完善

  • 购买建议:根据自己的身体状况、训练频率、预算来选择适合自己的配套。如果对自己的身体状况缺乏了解,可以先购买试课配套预订试课参与身体评估,并尝试一节团课,之后再选择适合自己的配套。


  • 小班课是一类课程的统称,包括小班提升课、成品舞、主题集训等,通常会有6-10节课左右。此类课程都有一个主题,比如成品舞会教一支完整的舞蹈,女子塑形的提升课会着重于更加精准高效的减脂塑形,等等。

  • 适合人群:身体的运动能力完备,对某一项目有浓厚兴趣,想要更快提升该项目的专业度,或者锁定运动目标,集中强化训练。

  • 购买建议:在小班课正式开课前,我们会安排公开课供大家体验。建议大家在尝试之后,认可老师的专业度,认可课程的编排理念才报名。

  • 所有的小班课都可以使用现有的配套积分进行兑换,无需单独购买配套。每个小班课的价钱(以及对应的兑换积分)会根据课程内容有所调整,细节会在开班的时候公布在具体课程的订课页面。


  • ​私教课指的是一对一的课程。

  • 适合人群:身体运动能力受限,体态问题严重,需要针对性解决问题,或者对私密性和效率要求高。

  • 购买建议:若您未尝试过,请前往私教课配套页面查看具体的老师和课程信息,预定一节私教试课(预订页面有试课的优惠码),然后再选择适合自己的配套。

Beginner Friendly Pilates Classes

First-time Body Condition Assessment Trial Class

Curated class, suitable for everyone

First-time Body Condition Assessment Trial Class

If you haven't been exercising for a while, or have certain body conditions and is unsure about the suitable classes for you, we highly recommend taking a 30-mins 1-on-1 trial class first. In this way, you will be able to get a better understanding of your current physical conditions, and also get a flavour of some classes with equipments (e.g. Aerial yoga, pilates reformer, yoga wheel), then you'll be able to make an informed decision.

Reformer Core

Beginner Friendly

Reformer Core

This class is built on establishing the correct breathing patterns, emphasizes core muscle strengthening to firm the waist and abdomen and alleviate discomfort in the lower back. It serves as a solid foundation for other Pilates courses and is a must for beginners.

Flow Yoga

Require some experiences

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga is an innovative approach to yoga practice that focuses on fast-paced transitions between poses within a sequence. This style of yoga aims to elevate the heart rate, enhance cardiovascular fitness, increase physical stamina, and promote fat burning through the dynamic movement between postures. Flow yoga practice can improve endurance, strength, stability, and balance, contributing to cardiovascular health, while also helping to reduce stress. It's an effective way to work up a sweat and achieve a well-rounded fitness experience.

Aerial Fitness

Require some experiences

Aerial Fitness

Aerial Fitness is a strength training class in aerial yoga that focuses on shaping and toning the body through exercises that utilize one's own body weight. It offers efficient relaxation, healing, and weight management effects. This course is designed to target core muscles, enhance arm strength and definition, work on the hips and legs, and engage in fat-burning exercises.

Reformer Spine

Beginner Friendly

Reformer Spine

This class focuses on improving the flexibility of the thoracic spine, the stability of the lumbar spine, and the ability to move the spine segment by segment. It is designed to help disperse the pressure on the intervertebral discs caused by gravity and external loads, thereby alleviating discomfort in the lower back and strengthening core strength.

Therapeutic Yoga

Beginner Friendly

Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga is a practice that combines yoga exercises with principles of rehabilitation therapy. It aims to assist individuals in recovering from injuries or managing chronic pain. This course is particularly suitable for office workers who frequently experience lower back pain, shoulder and neck discomfort, and those with sedentary lifestyles. It can help build core strength, release tension in the shoulders and back, and improve blood circulation in the lower limbs.

Wheel Yoga

Beginner Friendly

Wheel Yoga

Wheel Yoga is an effective and enjoyable class that helps open the chest, shoulders, back, and hip flexors. Using a yoga wheel aids in enhancing spinal flexibility and allows for backbends, stretching the body, opening tight back muscles, and relaxing the shoulders. This practice is particularly well-suited for office workers who sit for extended periods and can help improve posture, alleviate rounded shoulders and hunchback, elongate the chest and lower back, and strengthen core muscles.

Sound Healing & Meditation

Beginner Friendly

Sound Healing & Meditation

This class involves a guided meditation and a sound bath, using crystal singing bowls, gongs and other small instruments. Vibrations from these instruments can lead you into a deep relaxation state, which helps to reduce stress and enhance sleep quality.
No prior experience is required. Just take this moment for yourself, let go, relax, and recharge.

Aerial Basic

Beginner Friendly

Aerial Basic

Aerial Basics class primarily focuses on teaching fundamental aerial yoga skills. It covers techniques such as how to enter and exit the hammock, as well as other basic skills like stepping on the hammock, binding the legs, suspending the waist, and hanging from the hips. These foundational skills are essential for gradually progressing to intermediate and advanced classes, allowing participants to feel their own improvement.

Inside Flow Yoga

Require some experiences

Inside Flow Yoga

Inner Flow Yoga is a popular yoga practice that combines traditional yoga poses with variations to create a sequence of postures. Each posture transition is designed to align with the rhythm and energy of the music, promoting even breathing. Practitioners synchronize their breath with the music, taking an inhalation or exhalation every four beats. This practice allows participants to fully experience the interaction between the music's emotions and the body's energy. After the practice, emotions can be released, the mindset can be adjusted, and the body and mind can achieve clarity. It is a highly expressive and emotional form of yoga practice.

Reformer Booty & Leg

Beginner Friendly

Reformer Booty & Leg

With a foundation of core stability, this class focuses on adjusting the alignment of the pelvis and lower limbs while strengthening the muscles of the hips and legs. This, in turn, alleviates discomfort in the lower back and reduces pressure on the knee joints. It also aims to enhance the shape of the buttocks and legs.

Ashtanga Yoga

Suitable for experienced yogis

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is a fusion of tradition and innovation in the world of yoga. It follows a set sequence with specific asanas and places a strong emphasis on the synchronization of body postures and breath control. Through repeated practice, individuals can experience transformations in both their bodies and minds. Long-term practice of Ashtanga Yoga can help achieve a balance between strength and flexibility, improve cardiovascular health, and make the body more agile.

Compared to other forms of yoga, Ashtanga places higher demands on practitioners' overall physical fitness. It is well-suited for yoga enthusiasts who have been regularly practicing for some time and are seeking a more challenging and structured yoga experience.

Yoga Stretch

Beginner Friendly

Yoga Stretch

Yoga stretch utilizes yoga postures to relax and elongate the body, reducing neural and muscular excitability for deep relaxation. This course is particularly well-suited for office workers, individuals with sedentary lifestyles, and those who maintain one position for extended periods. It's also recommended to incorporate yoga stretching into your routine after strength or aerobic training, as it can enhance the aesthetics of your muscle definition and promote flexibility.

Reformer Intermediate Full Body

Require some experiences

Reformer Intermediate Full Body

The intermediate full-body sculpt class targets deep muscle groups, enhances core strength, and improves balance and coordination. It aims to refine posture and elevate overall grace and poise. This class is recommended for individuals who have regularly attended beginner-level core mat classes for three months or more.

Yin Yoga

Beginner Friendly

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a therapeutic practice where each posture is held for several minutes, strengthening the connection between the mind and body while maintaining a static position. This practice has a slower pace and places greater emphasis on proper body alignment, allowing for deep stretching and relaxation.

Body Sculpt

Beginner Friendly

Body Sculpt

The instructor will explain the principles, practical methods, and precautions for fat loss and body sculpting. Through a scientifically designed training system and high-intensity workouts, they will help you burn body fat quickly and achieve your fat loss and sculpting goals. (Note: Please refrain from participating in the class during your menstrual period.)

Aerial Stretch

Beginner Friendly

Aerial Stretch

Aerial Stretch is a fundamental class in aerial yoga that welcomes beginners with no prior experience. This course primarily focuses on exercising the body's core muscles, helping to stretch and release muscle tension. In this course, aerial yoga inversions also aid in elongating the spine and enhancing its flexibility, contributing to a more youthful body.

Reformer Back & Shoulder

Beginner Friendly

Reformer Back & Shoulder

This class is built upon a foundation of core stability, focuses on optimizing the alignment of the upper body joints, establishing proper muscle recruitment sequences, and improving posture. It aims to enhance posture and beautify the lines of the shoulders and back while providing relief from discomfort in this area.

Aerial Intermediate

Suitable for experienced yogis

Aerial Intermediate

Aerial Intermediate class require participants to have a certain level of prior experience and a solid foundation in aerial yoga. The advanced poses and ultimate postures in these classes demand a higher level of muscle strength, flexibility, and openness. For those who have been practicing aerial yoga for some time, these classes provide an exciting opportunity to challenge themselves and explore new heights in their practice.

Aerial Flow

Suitable for experienced yogis

Aerial Flow

Aerial Flow is a perfect fusion of human movement and the hammock, combining dance, strength, and flexibility to enhance the body's extension and aesthetics. The choreography in aerial dance is graceful, allowing practitioners to perform elegant and powerful postures on both the ground and in the air, ultimately enhancing the beauty of their body's lines.

Pilates Fitness

Beginner Friendly

Pilates Fitness

Mat Pilates Fitness primarily focuses on working the deep, small muscle groups in the body to maintain and improve one's physique. Through Pilates practice, it enhances daily posture, increases body control, strengthens balance, promotes a flexible core, and extends the range of motion in the limbs. Pilates places a strong emphasis on controlling the core muscles and coordinating with proper breathing, resulting in excellent shaping effects!

Private Pilates Class

Curated class, suitable for everyone

Private Pilates Class

If you're looking for more efficient training or seeking a higher level of personal attention and privacy, it's recommended to enroll in private lessons. Private instruction can lead to rapid improvement, as you'll receive one-on-one guidance from a teacher.

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